A Look at India's Crafts

A Look at India's Crafts India is rich in artistic works. It is often confusing for visitors to this country to decide just which crafts they will carry home with them. The choices are many, widely varied and often inexpensive. The finest quality merchandise can often be found in the bazaars that populate larger cities such as Delhi, Mumbai in Bombay, Kolkata in Calcutta and Chennai in Madras. Literally thousands of places, from quaint shops to roadside stands, sell crafts to visitors. Rajasthan and Kashmir are the two largest producers of crafts made for mass distribution. In Rajasthan, you will find bargains on fabrics, jewelry, glass, pottery, rugs and camel-hide products. Carpets, shawls and embroidery dominate the products produced in Kashmir. These are often considered to be of the finest quality available. The many tribal communities of India produce unusual crafts that are popular with tourists. These crafts include wire an...